NISP Implementation Plan
The NISP implementation team at MoE’s Innovation Cell has designed a five-stage implementation plan to take the NISP to ground. A portal in this regard has been in place to accommodate below implementation phases with proper progress monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
Following are the implementation stages.
Stage 1: Launch of NISP Campaign to bring HEIs to a common platform and commitment to adopt the NISP in institutes in a time bound manner.
Stage 2: Inviting Nomination of Sr. Faculty from HEI to Implement I&E Policy at Institute Level.
Stage 3: Phase wise conduct of Orientation cum Training Programs for the nominated faculty in policy design and implementation and offering further handholding in implementation.
Stage 4: Implementation progress monitoring and program evaluation and corrective actions
Stage 5: Incorporation of changes and improvement in existing policy, consensus building and further implementation.
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