First Step
*For newly registered Institute please complete this process.
- Since you are newly registered institute your policy formulation page will look like the image given below.
- Under the "Action" column the button will be named as "Update the status".
- First thing you have to do is read the action item column and after understanding mark the action as "Not Complete".
- Repeat this step for all the action item.
- If you don't know how to update the action button refer the "How to update the Progress" document
- Then your page will look like the image given below.
- Until you complete the above mentioned steps the declaration and the submit button will be disabled.
- After completing the steps the submit button will be enabled.
- After that you have press the check box near the declaration and then press the submit button.
- If it is successfully submitted you will receive a success message.
- After completing the above mentioned steps refer the "Policy Formulation" document for further steps.
- If you want to know how to update / upload document / URL / Date please refer "How to update the Progress" document.
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