Reasons for Disapproval
- Disapproval will happen if the details you have shared with us might have some mistakes / completely wrong.
- The reasons of disapproval is divided into the following sections. They are,
- Mismatch of information that you have given in the registration form and the document you have uploaded for the senior faculty nomination letter.
- Missing of the Head of Institute signature and seal.
- Refer the template to avoid confusions "Template".
- Mismatch of information that you have given in the renomination request form and the document you have uploaded for the senior faculty re-nomination letter.
- Refer the template to avoid confusions "Template".
3 Formulation Task disapproval
- If the document uploaded is not on your institute letter head
- If the document uploaded is not signed and sealed by your Head of Institute / competent authority.
- If the document uploaded is not relevant to that step / task.
- If the URL you ave uploaded is not as per requirements / you have uploaded your institute website home page. You have to give the exact link of the page you have created for the NISP.
- Please refer "Formulation" what to upload and refer the template for the formate "Referral document"
4 Implementation Task disapproval
- If the document uploaded is not on your institute letter head
- If the document uploaded is not signed and sealed by your Head of Institute / competent authority.
- If the document uploaded is not relevant to that step / task.
- If the URL you ave uploaded is not as per requirements / you have uploaded your institute website home page. You have to give the exact link of the page you have created for the NISP.
- Please refer "Implementation" what to upload and refer the template for the formate "Referral document
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