*For newly entering  "First Step (For newly registered Institute only)" document first and then come back to this page.

  • Policy Implementation is the next step you have to complete after you have finished Policy Formulation.
  • There are 11 steps to complete the Implementation process.

This document contain these subdivisions,

    1. First Step (For newly registered Institute only) (Same like formulation's First step. Follow the same procedure.)
    2. How to update the Progress
    3. Reasons for disapproval
    4. Referral documents

To know how to update the task / action item refer "How to update the Progress"

Action Items for Policy Formulation:

Step 1 - Attended Policy Implementation Training organized by MoE’s Innovation Cell


You have to attend training session organized y MoE's Innovation cell regarding Policy Implementation. After attending the training you mark this step as completed.

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 2 - Submission of the approved I&E policy to the IIC of the institute for the discussion and implementation


You have to form a team to implement the policy at your institute, at least one IIC member should be a part of that team. 

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 3 - Benchmarking the current status of I&E ecosystem of the institute (as per ARIIA indicators) by developing KPIs and setting annual targets to achieve


You have to identify, select and set up your Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as measurement. Mention in a table format like KPI, Current status and target. Benchmarking, Baseline/Current status and target should be mentioned about innovation/entrepreneurship/IP. And the document must be signed and sealed

Requirements :

Document Upload : Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 4 - Formulation of Objectives of Action Plan to Achieve the Goal of I&E Policy Formulated


After identifying your activities and approach you have to create a target / timeline to complete your objective. Like what are all the programs you are going to conduct, resource needed, committee members needed, how to conduct and when to conduct, etc. The event should be related to achieving your target, Upload in Gantt Chart format with a timeline. The document must be signed and sealed. The event name and the month should be present.

Requirements :

Document Upload : Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 5 - Allocated 1% of the total annual budget of HEI as provided in NISP to support Innovation and startup agenda of the institute


Please upload the document on your institute letterhead stating that for so and so academic year 1% of the total annual budget is allocated for innovation activities. This document is to be signed by your Head of the institute. Mention in percentage in relation to the annual budget. The document should be in the past tense like allocated.

Requirements :

Document Upload : Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 6 - Conceptualize, Formulate or Concrete New Programs/Activities for Intervention to achieve the Objectives. (Approach of Intra and inter institutional collaboration and concretion can be adopted)


To achieve your objective, you have to formulate programs / activities. For this you can have your approach in intra / inter institutional level collaboration.

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 7 - Plan and set targets for Programs and timeline: Frequency of programs to be conducted, prepare short guideline, Achievement expected from Programs, responsibility setting, etc.


After identifying your activities and approach you have to create a target / timeline to complete your objective. Like what are all the programs you are going to conduct, resource needed, committee members needed, how to conduct and when to conduct, etc. 

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required

Step 8 - Laid down mechanisms to incentivise (recognition, rewarding financial / non-financial incentives / benefits) innovators ( student / faculty) for their engagement in innovation and startup related endeavours


Laid down mechanisms to incentivise (recognition, rewarding financial / non-financial incentives / benefits) innovators ( student / faculty) for their engagement in innovation and startup related endeavours

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Required

Step 9 - Registered for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA Ranking) at https://www.ariia.gov.in/


You have to register for ATAL ranking and provide your registration number. To register for ATAL, use this link "https://www.ariia.gov.in/Registration".

Requirements :

Document Upload : Not Required; 

Date Update : Not Required;

URL Upload : Not Required; 

Reference Template : NIL;

ATAL Registration Number : Required 

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